Eastern Grass Owl - Tyto longimembris
Eastern Grass Owl - Tyto longimembris
Eastern Grass Owl Tyto longimembris
The Eastern Grass Owl is a medium sized, slim bird with long legs that protrude well beyond the tail feathers. The legs itself do not show much feathering.
Grass Owls have a heart-shaped facial disc showing varying colours. The feet are large and powerful. The eyes are small (compared to other owls) and show 'tear' marks below the eyes. These birds show a slow flapping and gliding flight pattern with the legs trailing behind or are usually hanging down. I have seen these birds lead by Alan Gillanders from Alan's Wildlife Tours (https://www.alanswildlifetours.com.au/) in October/November 2016. We have experienced a few amazing nights with these impressive birds.
Enjoy and if you like, feel free to provide comments via the Contact page!